Data Hub
Check here our DSRS Data catalog at the Gies College of Business.
You can find other source of business data through our UIUC library. Please note that the datasets listed here are available to researchers through University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign’s current contract.
- DSRS Researchers Page
- UIUC library guides
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Current Datasets
📄️ BvD Historicals
🗃️ Gies Consumer Credit Panel
2 items
📄️ PitchBook
1 item
📄️ Nielsen Datasets
The Nielsen Datasets at the Kilts Center for Marketing is a partnership between The University of Chicago Booth School of Business and the Nielsen Company and makes comprehensive marketing datasets available to academic researchers around the world.
📄️ S&P Capital IQ Pro
S&P Capital IQ Pro is a market intelligence platform that provides data, news, and analytics for financial institutions and corporations.